In the Press

Calming the Hormone Rollercoaster - Prime Women, July 2024

15 Top Products for Women’s Health

15 Top Products for Women’s Health - Prime Women, May 2024

11 Best Products for Fine or Thinning Hair

5 Reasons to Upgrade Your Multi for 2024

5 Reasons to Upgrade Your Multi for 2024 - Prime Women, February 2024

CarolAnn Tutera on Health, Wellness, and Making an Impact

CarolAnn Tutera on Health, Wellness, and Making an Impact - Chandler City Lifestyle, January 2024

13 Top Wellness Supplements for Mature Women

Which Hair Product Does Tiffany Hendra Love?

Which Hair Product Does Tiffany Hendra Love? - Prime Women, December 2023

Bolster Beauty™ by SottoPelle® features an exciting line of doctor-formulated nutraceuticals and hair care

Doctor-formulated nutraceuticals and hair care - Sonoran Living ABC15, November 2023

Gift Guide: The Best Gifts For Yourself

Gift Guide: The Best Gifts For Yourself - Prime Women, November 2023

Good Hair Days Ahead

Good Hair Days Ahead - Prime Women, October 2023

Restore Luster and Fullness to Thinning Hair

Restore Luster and Fullness to Thinning Hair - Prime Women, September 2023

Hormones and Happiness: An Insight into Our Brain Chemistry

Hormones and Happiness: An Insight into Our Brain Chemistry - USA Today, August 2023

Best Products for Menopause Relief

Best Products for Menopause Relief - Prime Women, June 2023

3 Steps to Help Regrow Thick, Lustrous Hair

I Used Hair Repair & Restore: Bolster Beauty by SottoPelle® - Did It Work?

5 Ways to Fix Your Thinning Hair
5 Ways to Fix Your Thinning Hair - Prime Women, June 2022

Prime Women I Stopped My Hair Loss, But Then What?
I Stopped My Hair Loss, But Then What? - Prime Women, March 2022